
  • Computers,  Uncategorized

    Missing Windows Media Player on Windows 10?

    Are you missing WMP on Windows 10? Have you already tried to go through Microsoft’s new way to add WMP to Windows 10 (example: and still WMP is not there, even though the setting app says it is there? This route never worked for me on my Windows 10 pro installation 🙁 Here is how to resolve that problem! : Use the old control panel Steps: In Windows 10, WMP installation using the settings > optional features never worked. However, when I tried going through this route, it worked! : Control panel (old style) > Programs > Turn windows features on / off > Turn windows feartures on /…

  • Computers,  RVs

    laptop GPS navigation

    So I wanna use a laptop for GPS navigation in my motorhome. Frankly it will be ‘supplemental GPS navigation’. The primary navigation tasks will be handled by a Garmin GPS. The laptop will be used for route planning. I plan to use Microsoft Streets and Trips 2011 on this laptop. When you are driving a huge motorhome you need to worry about bridge clearances, propane restrictions etc etc. Also the big screen on the laptop would sure be useful. yesterday I bought a USB GPS receiver for it. It is a GlobalSate BU-353 USB GPS Receiver. I heard good things about it. Once it arrives, I will post my review…

  • Computers

    SSD for an older laptop?

    I am considering buying an SSD for a old laptop. We still use the laptop. it works fine as a web browsing machine. I also want to use it for navigating in my motor home. I think having a mechanical drive in a laptop being used in a moving vehicle may kill the HDD prematurely. Hence the SSD idea.