• IT Systems Engineering

    Find location of your VMs

    Ok so now you have many, many VMs running on your Hyper-V hosts. You wanna know where are they actually running from… I mean on which SAN, which LUN or which local disk array are they running. There is no easy way to find out that information from the VMM Manager console. You can open up the properties of each and every VM and look at the config but it is not practical. PowerShell to the rescue! Here is a small PS code snippet which will show you the information quickly. Get-VM –ComputerName HOSTNAME1, HOSTNAME2 | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | Select-Object -Property VMName, ComputerName, ControllerType, Path | Sort-Object -Property VMName | Out-GridView…

  • IT Systems Engineering

    Device management using PowerShell

    There are some cmdlets available for device management. They are useful on a server core type installation like Hyper-V 2012 First you need to download and import the cmdlet modules from here Then you can run commands like get-device. However a more useful command is: Get-Device | Sort-Object -Property Name | ft Name, DriverVersion, DriverProvider, IsPresent, HasProblem –AutoSize More command examples are here