Finding driver information on a Windows Server core
I found it very hard to find the version of drivers on a server core machine (the one without a GUI). Here is a nice PowerShell script which will show you what you need: Get-WmiObject -class MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes -namespace “root\WMI” | Select-Object DriverVersion, FirmwareVersion, Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber | Format-Table –AutoSize Note: in the old days, you could use fcinfo but that does not install on Windows 2008 or 2012 Server.
How to boot a M4000 Sun Solaris server
Sometimes your Solaris server may not boot by just pressing the power button. If autoboot is not enabled in XSCF or is configured wrongly, you will have to manually issue the boot command. I will explain how to do that here. First of all, make sure that any disk array attached to the Solaris server is powered on. Notes: a) Type commands without the quotes shown below. b) Do not press the power button on the front of the machine. Here is the procedure: 1. First, make sure that the server is powered down. If it is already powered on you will have to pull out the 2 power…