• IT Systems Engineering

    How to fix replica which has stopped syncing

    So the status of your Hyper-V replica shows that replication health is critical and if I click resume replication, it says replicating changes >> and after a few moments >> failed. There is no other option to fix this issue. Try these steps: (I use Hyper-V manager for this procedure) 1. From the primary site, remove replication using “remove replication” option. This will leave the replica VM on the DR site intact. 2. Now, on the DR site, remove replication. If you look at this replica VM inside VMM, you will see that now it has become a regular VM. It looks like a regular server instead of a server…

  • IT Systems Engineering

    How to re-sync replication with an old initial replica on USB drive

    I ran into a situation where a large VM had its replication enabled, and the initial replication (IR) sent to a USB drive. Then IR was imported on the DR site. Everything was fine but later on, for one reason or another, the replica was deleted. At this point you have the option of recreating another IR to a USB drive, sending that USB drive to your DR site, importing the new IR again. All that, of course, will take quite a lot of time. The alternative is to import the same old IR on the USB drive (assuming it is still there at the DR site) and letting the…