How to check if mod_rewrite is really working
While working with WordPress I came to a point where I needed to check if mod_rewrite was really working and working properly on my Ubuntu Server. Searching for a quick test I found this post on the ‘net. Pretty useful!
Network fix for copied Ubuntu virtual server
When a Ubuntu VM is copied its network may not work. Here is the fix: Delete this file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules By deleting the file, the boot scripts look for the new device and will assign it the new mac address
Webmin makes a sys-admin’s life easier
I find webmin to be very useful on the Linux OS. This makes my life easier, especially if you have very little linux experience. Here is how to install it manually: Use Putty to SSH to your vm Logon as root/root and run these commands: Notes: a. The path where wget resides may be different in your server. b. Download the latest version of webmin. cd /root /usr/sfw/bin/wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.480.tar.gz gunzip webmin-1.480.tar.gz tar xf webmin-1.480.tar cd webmin-1.480 sudo ./setup.sh /usr/local/webmin A setup program runs now. Basically I accepted all options as default (just keep pressing enter!) At one point it will ask for a username and password. I left the username as admin and entered…