• RVs

    Awning lock?

    So I was reading some horror stories about people’s awnings blowing away while moving. Seems like the brakes/locks on the awning fail to prevent the awning from unfurling while you are driving/ towing your RV. Scary? Here is a solution [one of the many solutions] http://awninglock.com I just placed an order. Once it comes in I will post a review.

  • RVs

    Cleaning RV shades

    So when we bought our motorhome it was already 10 years old. The window shades are pretty dirty. We looked at the replacement costs and found out that custom made shades would cost us over 500 bucks! It has 5 windows. The shades themselves are in OK shape. There had to be a way to clean them.

  • RVs

    Installing laminate floors in my motorhome

    Today I am installing laminate flooring in my motorhome. I bought 4 boxes of laminate from Costco and some moisture barrier from Home Depot…just a 6 mil thick sheet of black plastic sheeting. We chose a light shade of laminate called “Golden Aspen” from Harmonics Flooring.

  • RVs

    Renovating my motorhome

    We recently bought a used motorhome. It is 10 years old and needs some renovation. Here are the changes I am planning: Change flooring Replace carpet Replace toilet Replace countertops in the kitchen and bathroom Replace faucets Replace the sofa covers Replace captain chair covers The plan is to rip out the old carpet and vinyl flooring in the living room and bathroom area and put in new laminate. We are going to leave carpet in the bedroom area and under driver and passenger seats. I am going to do the laminate installation myself and let the professionals do the carpet installation.