IT Systems Engineering

P2V using Hyper-V 2012

Here is how I started doing P2V on a Hyper-V 2012.

I have SCVMM 2012. I want to do a V2V from a Citrix XenServer VM to a Hyper-V VM. The way to go about it is to do a P2V. The official technet documentation says run System Center Virtual Machine Manager Configuration Analyzer (VMMCA) first.

Installing and running SC VMMCA

So I installed System Center Virtual Machine Manager Configuration Analyzer on my Windows 7 workstation. It needed a couple of prerequisites like MBCA 2.0. Actually VMMCA is run from inside MBCA.

When I run it I get this error message:



  1. Test ping: yes I can ping the VM
  2. Check Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) aka WinRM server is running on the VM – yes it is running.
  3. Check firewall. Firewall is on but there is no exception for WinRM. Lets add it:
  4. vmm3
  5. After that I run VMMCA again. I got the same error as before Sad smile
  6. Lets see if turning the firewall off will help….it did  not help….but the err error message changed slightly:
  7. vmm4
  8. so I ran the command on an elevated prompt on the VM:
  9. winrm quickconfig
  10. It prompted me with this message and I let it configure WinRM:
  11. vmm5
  12. Lets scan again! This time it did connect but I got another error message:
  13. vmm6
  14. I googled this but could not find an answer which works. At this point I am ready to give up on this whole remotely running  VMMCA thing and want to try running VMMCA on the VM itself.
  15. So I installed MBCA and VMMCA on the VM itself and by hit and trial found out what are the options you need to choose to make it scan properly. Here are the two screens:
  16. vmm7
  17. Select the dropdown SC VMMCA and then click on start scan. It will come to the “Enter parameters” page where you select these checkboxes:
  18. vmm8
  19. You can leave the individual server blank to have it scan the local machine.
  20. Note: before the scan will run successfully, you need to set the PowerShell policy to RemoteSigned by using this command on an elevated PS window:  Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  21. The click the “start Scan” link in MBCA
  22. The scan finished successfully!
  23. The result gave me two warnings, telling me that two hotfixes were not found on the VM. Impact: VMM may not function correctly or at all without this update or hotfix.
  24. I tried downloading the 2 hotfixes but I was not successful. The Microsoft download server kept on giving me errors (some internal server error).

So I gave up on the hotfixes and tried running the P2V from VMM.

P2V using VMM

I followed the instructions on technet here

It was pretty straightforward. The P2V is still running. I will report  back later.

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