IT Systems Engineering

VM Additions not detected?

From time to time, I run into this issue with our Hyper-V environment. No matter how many times I upgrade the VM additions, SCVMM still is not able to detect it. It always ends up saying “not detected”.

VM additions problem

Eventually I noticed that one of the the 6 Hyper-V related services which are usually running on the VM was having some trouble – the heartbeat service. Hmmm…that makes sense!

HV services

If I tried to start this service, I got the following error:

Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.


VM additions1

While doing some searching on the net, I found out the solution here !!THANK YOU!!

As mentioned by that guy, the two things I need to know are shown below:

VM additions2

So I open the registry and add vmicheartbeat to the bottom of this Multi-String entry, like this:

VM additions3

After I click OK and restart the VM, the heartbeat service starts without any problem (automatically). Just do a refresh in VMM and now I see the VM additions version number. Yeah baby!

Thanks a lot to Jeremy!

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